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Population started to decrease by hundreds, then millions, and before we knew it, billions were gone. The government had collapsed and had no money to care for newborn infants, and with the great migrationfor resources, the youth simply lost it's opportunities. The ruling government that was left had only one endeavor; a religious endeavor for it's citizens in this purposeless world; War. Thus they started their War business that continued for 100 years. The smoke filled air was thin by the end of this endeavor and not many were left standing. Those who were left simply did not trust the government at this point and we all were gypsies left to wonder the world. Because the world war business used up most of our natural resources, the wondered were left to venture out for food, water and energy. These people eventually formed their own moving city groups called the caravan. The most iconic of the caravans being ; Troye, Aerials, the White, Appalachian and the Alps. Many of these vessels remain hidden and some like the Babel and Familia remain undetected. ( More on the Vessels on the Vessels and infrastructure page.) Some decided to reside in a housing complex owned by us, the Kingo Fishers, not wanting to travel to and fro. Most of these housings are ran by our company, however, some are natural occurring like the Big Tree. The Big Tree is a natural occurring tower located at the east side of our map and is the most populous city in our recorded timeline after the war. From the war came many things, like the coved city of Potosi, located at the very end of our map, where a non-orbiting moon, Thesaurus, covers the area. No sunlight transmits through the moon and the land of Potosi is a dark bowl. Potosi is said to be a huge vast of land, though many remain uncovered due to difficulty in exploration. When traveling to and from Potosi, a license is necessary, and from some who had travelled the land of Potosi, Potosi is said to be a vacant yet inhabited land. For many cities and dimly lit towns are scattered through out the dark land. ( More on Cities, Towns, Maps page.) ............ End of Brief history of the world by OTiS, and will be continued on by LOVE.