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Specimens of the Topia



(LAST UNIVERSAL COMMON ANCESTOR) A floating meat-body with a small brain.

Non-eating, slowly rotting over time.

Estimated life span : 200 years

36m tall , 33m wide

Mother of all species to the nova generation


Metal eating hornets that multiplied it's count by thousands

lives among the walls of vessels, A Parasite

Oozes out black liquid that melts man-made materials


A Chimera of a Human (?) and a horse, last seen with a herd

Seems to be a man-made concoction of a severed head sewn to a horse's body

Grass-eating herbivore, non-violent

7ft tall, estimated weight about 900kg

Red Mane with Red Roan Body

Giant Leech

The giant leeches are found mostly in contaminated lakes

They eat irons in decomposed metals, and are often seen expanding these contaminated lakes with their horns.

Poor hearing, but seems to see a great deal.

Non-violent,yet, some eat decomposed fresh of mammals and other animals

12m~33m long, weighs ~ 3000kg


Presumably the newest chimera

Seems to be naturally occurring

Meat-eating carnivore

10ft tall, violent (?)

Not much is known, covers itself in animal-skin


Humanoid creature resembling an ape.

Communicates in boops and beeps.

Friendly, and guides you through the topias. There are few genuses to this creature.


A Porpoise with a red circular nose

communicative and friendly, an aerial creature

currently being held for a show in a moving desolate caravan

5ft, 700kg

Metal Moths

Moths that evolved metal wings, seen mostly on the westlands.

Is non-aerial, and moves slowly by dragging themselves on land.

A Photosynthesizing creature, plant like, nonviolent

1m~12m tall ; sizes vary

the recorded tallest Moth being 45m tall ( MONO-MOTH)

Breaching white whale of Potosi

Breaching whale 20m in height. Living but inmobile.


A Humanoid Creature, recorded in many records for thousands of years

Arrives from the dark and asks a question,

does not seem to eat anything

7ft tall


Presumably an extra-terrestrial creature of the worm-hole.

Intelligent and docile, mainly communicating with sounds and ultra-waves. (non-verbal)

Moving in sets of two, and seems to die when left alone for sometime.

Photosynthesizing creature, plant like.

1m~2m tall, weighing 40kg~70kg